Complete your registration Web Site In order to select options below you will find it helpful to browse the course programme first. Student's First Name * Last Name * Email Address * If under 18, this is the parent/guardian's email address Student's known name, if different to above Student's phone number Mobile preferred. Parent/guardian phone number If student is under 18. Mobile preferred. Student's email address Only required if student is under 18 Date of birth Only required if student will be under the age of 18 at the start of the course. Standard for Organ Studio * Fundamentals of Technique ABRSM grades 4-5 and CAM 2 ABRSM grade 6 and CAM 3 ABRSM grade 7-8 and CRCO Towards ARCO ARCO and FRCO Organ Studios are 2-hour morning sessions Tuesday-Friday Preferred Skills Class * Keyboard Musicianship A Keyboard Musicianship B Liturgical Skills A Liturgical Skills B Improvisation A Improvisation B Skills classes are 1hr 15m sessions Tuesday - Friday Are you interested in singing in the Course Choir on Saturday 3rd August for Choral Eucharist? * YesNo We encourage all students to perform in a student concert, do you consent to take part? * YesNo Please book concert preparation session separately (see link on homepage) Participation in Daily Services at St. Giles Tuesday 30 July 17.15 Evening Prayer The service comprises: Plainsong Responses and a Plainsong Psalm, Philip Moore 3rd Evening Service Nunc Dimittis, Eleanor Daley ‘Here, O my Lord’ and a hymn. I would like to sing in the choir on Tuesday YesNo I would like to play the organ on Tuesday YesNo Six places available: Psalm, Nunc Dimittis, Anthem, Hymn and two short Voluntaries Wednesday 31st July 17.15 Vespers The service comprises: Plainsong Responses, Plainsong Psalm and a Plainsong Magnificat, two hymns and a short unaccompanied Anthem. Voluntaries should be based on plainchant before and after the service. I would like to sing in the choir on Wednesday YesNo I would like to play the organ on Wednesday YesNo Seven places available: Plainsong Accompaniment, Hymns and two short Voluntaries Thursday 1st August 17.15 Magnificat in alternatim Jean-François Dandrieu, Magnificat (Premier Livre d’Orgue) (pp. 21-31). I would like to sing in the choir on Thursday YesNo I would like to play the organ on Thursday YesNo Seven places available, one Magnificat movement per player, plus Plainsong accompanist Friday 2nd August 17.15 Choral Evensong The service comprises: Plainsong Responses, Psalm 122 to Anglican chant, MacPherson in G, Stanford ‘Oh, for a closer walk with God’, Hymn and two short Voluntaries) I would like to sing in the choir on Friday YesNo I would like to play the organ on Friday YesNo Seven places available: Psalm, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, Anthem, Hymn, two short Voluntaries Is there any information you would like the organisers to be aware of? How did you hear about the course?